
These values defined in affect the application:

  • DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: This is the sender of the email sent with your contact form.


    (Some mail servers do not allow sending messages from an address that is different than the one used for SMTP authentication.)

  • ENVELOPE_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS: A list of e-mail addresses of people who will receive the message. For backwards compatibility reasons, the default value is a list where the only element is DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL.

  • ENVELOPE_SUBJECT_INTRO: The prefix for subject line of the email message. This is different than EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX which is global for the whole project. ENVELOPE_SUBJECT_INTRO goes after the global prefix and is followed by the actual subject entered in the form by website’s user.

    Default value: Message from contact form:

  • ENVELOPE_USE_HTML_EMAIL: Whether to send an HTML email along with the plaintext one. Defaults to True.