
Add envelope to your INSTALLED_APPS in The application does not define any models, so a syncdb is not needed. If you installed django-honeypot, add also honeypot to INSTALLED_APPS.

For a quick start, simply include the app’s in your main URLconf, like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^contact/',    include('envelope.urls')),

The view that you just hooked into your URLconf will try to render a envelope/contact.html template. Create that file in some location where Django would be able to find it (see the Django template docs for details).


Changed in version 1.0: django-envelope used to ship with one such template by default. However, it made too opinionated assumptions about your templates and site layout. For that reason it was removed and you must now create the template explicitly.

This template file can (and possibly should) extend your base site template. The view will pass to the context a form variable, which is an instance of ContactForm. You can write your own HTML code for the form or use the provided {% render_contact_form %} template tag for simplicity. For example (assuming base.html is your main template):

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load envelope_tags %}

{% block content %}
    {% render_contact_form %}
{% endblock %}

That’s basically it. Navigate to the given URL and see the contact form in action. See Customization for more customization options.